Muni investors often find it difficult to know what the right pricing for a given bond should be, and investment technology has fallen short of addressing these fundamental flaws.
Read about the state of the muni industry, the record year it had in 2019 and how technology is enabling muni managers, as published on The Bond Buyer.
In a deep dive exploring how ratings agencies judge the creditworthiness of municipal bonds, the Journal cross-referenced IMTC data with information from Moody’s, S&P, Fitch and Kroll.
In a feature article on, PFI Advisors CEO Matt Sonnen refutes the notion that independent advisors can’t support the sophisticated investment solutions available to wirehouse…
In its latest whitepaper, Fixed Income Solutions in the RIA Industry for Breakaway Advisors, PFI Advisors highlights IMTC's (formerly CBXmarket) Advisor Solution as one of three leading technologies…