Managed Data & Integration Service

Reevaluate how you access and manage your data with IMTC solutions that host, maintain, and integrate data from a wide variety of sources.

Scale access to data

Implement a robust, cloud-native platform that provides unified access to data and ensures system performance as your firm grows.

  • Get 24/7 global connectivity with a cloud-based platform with data storage and computing power that can be scaled without the need for expensive infrastructure.
  • Navigate a platform with robust and reliable data security and permissioned roles, ensuring your data remains consistently protected.

Integrate data and systems seamlessly

IMTC Platform Managed Securities screenshot

Streamline your workflows with a modern, interconnected platform. IMTC builds and owns platform integrations to ease the technical burden. Integrations include:

  • Portfolio data: custodians, accounting systems, and aggregators
  • Live market data: ECNs and dealers
  • Routing & execution: trading venues, dealers, and third-party OMS/EMS platforms
  • Client & proprietary data: CRMs, proprietary databases, investment guidelines, and more

Connect real-time portfolio holdings

Assemble an accurate picture of your firm’s accounts with integrated portfolio holdings information needed to make precise investment decisions.

  • Integrate with a custodian or accounting system to view lot-level snapshots of securities.
  • Analyze portfolio holdings and returns with detailed dashboards that remain easy to digest.

Maintain detailed security master

Ensure data accuracy across the platform when you integrate your proprietary security master on IMTC. Leverage IMTC’s data relationships and integrate data from a variety of sources to maintain critical data and calculations. Firms can maintain complete control and flexibility over data with the ability to edit and override certain fields.

Implement new technology with ease

Effortlessly integrate IMTC technology into your existing systems and processes with IMTC’s proven methodology and dedicated team.

  • Partner with IMTC’s implementation team to systematically assess firm-wide technology needs and keep the project on schedule.
  • Utilize IMTC’s experienced development team to do the heavy lifting of integrating other platforms or data sources and building custom functionality determined in project scope.
Book a Demo

Want to learn how IMTC helps your firm to outperform?

Speak to our sales team. Our team has a consultative approach to help you assess if IMTC’s technology is right for your firm.