Where people, processes,
& technology converge

Explore our insights, news, research, and events on the world of fixed income and technology.
Multiple headlines about the resurgence of SMAs
InsightsFuture of the Industry

The Resurgence of Fixed Income SMAs: Have It Your Way!

The current landscape has paved the way for significant growth in separately managed accounts (SMAs) for fixed income. This article dives into the reasons for its growth, the challenges of managing…
MMI Barrons Award 2023 Finalist
AwardsPress & Media

IMTC is a Finalist for MMI/Barron’s Digital Innovation Award in 2023

IMTC is a finalist for MMI/Barron's award that honors a new technological innovation by a solutions provider firm that enhances the investor or advisor experience. Winners will be announced October…
WealthTech100 Award
AwardsPress & Media

IMTC Selected as a WealthTech 100 Company in 2023

WealthTech 100 are the world’s most innovative WealthTech companies that every leader in the wealth and asset management industries needs to know about in 2023.
building waves
Product UpdatesProducts & Solutions

Release Notes: Enhanced Optimization and Allocation Functionality and Increased Data Access

Explore IMTC’s latest product developments, including a new waterfall allocation methodology, Optimizer enhancements, improvements to switch trades, and increased data access.
Wealthstack podcast promo image
PodcastsFuture of the Industry

IMTC CEO Russell Feldman on WealthStack Podcast

IMTC CEO Russell Feldman joined The WealthStack Podcast, hosted by Shannon Rosic, to discuss fixed income innovation and workflow efficiency.
tall buildings
MediaFuture of the Industry

MMI: The Electronification of Fixed Income

Spurred by rising demands for customization, fee compression, interest in tax efficiencies, and other factors, this paper, originally published on the Money Management Institute, discusses how the…
Press Release announcement - Treasury Partners as client
Press ReleasesPress & Media

IMTC Announces Successful Collaboration with Treasury Partners on Cloud-Based Fixed Income Portfolio Management Tool

Wealth management firm Treasury Partners utilizes IMTC’s cloud-based fixed income portfolio management trading and investment policy compliance system
miami beach view at sunset with palm trees
InsightsFuture of the Industry

4 Takeaways from the 2023 Orion Ascent Conference

The Orion Ascent conference was a valuable meeting of the minds to discuss new innovations and trends in portfolio management. Here, we discuss our top takeaways from the event.
glass side of building
Product UpdatesProducts & Solutions

Release Notes: Enhanced Compliance Controls, Portfolio Segmentation, and Cash Modeling

Explore IMTC’s latest product developments, including sleeve-level compliance rules and asset segmentation, cash flow visualizations, and more detailed asset allocation management.