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basketball court
Market CommentaryBond Markets

The Fixed Income Brief: Yields March(ing) Higher

This week saw upgraded economic forecasts and long-end yields moved up in response despite the Fed re-committing to near-zero rates for the near-term future.
modern building
Market CommentaryBond Markets

The Fixed Income Brief: How Do You Spell Relief?

This week we saw relief from both Washington and from the CPI data; as the yield curve steepens, fixed income investors begin to bet on the next fed hike.
indoor restaurant and bar
Market CommentaryBond Markets

The Fixed Income Brief: Powell Fans the Flames

We saw the continuation of higher yields this week as inflation concerns, positive vaccine news, and a faster recovery remain at the forefront of fixed income markets.
lightening strikes lit up city
Market CommentaryBond Markets

The Fixed Income Brief: Flash Dance

The flash move for Treasuries this week shows the jitters of fixed income investors, worried of the impact of stimulus and potential inflation.
treasury building
Market CommentaryBond Markets

The Fixed Income Brief: Go Big or Go Home

This week shows an improved valuation of the asset class given the moves in underlying Treasury yields, making fixed income investments more attractive. Will this trend continue?
frozen lake at dawn
Market CommentaryBond Markets

The Fixed Income Brief: The Fix Is In

Fixed income markets are digesting the stimulus as both a positive for the economic recovery it brings and also the drawbacks of the massive debt being added to our deficit.
snowy mountains
Market CommentaryBond Markets

The Fixed Income Brief: Bond Investors Yield to Snow Blindness

The fixed income market remains in a push-pull state of flux between anticipating normalcy and the continued pandemic reality.
Market CommentaryBond Markets

The Fixed Income Brief: GameStop Surges, Yields Pullback

As most of the market attention is on the Reddit / GameStop saga, fixed income investors tuck in for more immediate harsh realities the economy is facing and spreads pullback.
lake with trees and mountains in distance
Market CommentaryBond Markets

The Fixed Income Brief: The Next 100 Days

Fixed income markets remained relatively calm this week as the new administration begins its 100-day plan, with investors still weighing how policies will affect their portfolios.