Fixed Income Solutions for Breakaways Entering the RIA Space by PFI Advisors

In a feature article on, PFI Advisors CEO Matt Sonnen refutes the notion that independent advisors can’t support the sophisticated investment solutions available to wirehouse advisors.
Following up on the firm’s latest whitepaper, Fixed Income Solutions in the RIA Industry for Breakaway Advisors, Sonnen highlights IMTC (at the time of publishing, our name was CBXmarket) as a platform that empowers advisors to navigate markets through its PMS system’s portfolio optimization tool. He makes the case for fixed income trading in the RIA channel, reiterating that it offers advisors better execution options.
Check out the following excerpt:
Eric Bodner, partner of Kore Private Wealth, an RIA that broke away from Merrill Lynch, where they managed $5 billion in client assets, in June 2018, said, “It wasn’t until we broke away that we realized the opportunity we had with this business.”
“Our muni business is much more robust than it’s ever been,” Mr. Bodner said. “While we still have the same access to risk management and reporting systems as we did at our prior firm, our coverage universe has expanded immensely.”
Some areas for advisers to consider as they choose the best way to access fixed income for their clients include: the amount of investible capital; attitude regarding the direction of interest rates; liquidity needs; diversification; predictability of income; tax considerations; and which area of the fixed-income market the client is looking to access.
Read the full article here or access PFI’s Fixed Income Solutions in the RIA Industry for Breakaway Advisors.