State of the Industry 2020: Market & Technology Trends

Note: This was published in January 2020, prior to the announcement of Covid-19.
Check out our latest whitepaper for the five key market trends we’re forecasting for the year ahead. We’re also taking a deep dive into the disruptive technologies overhauling the investment landscape. Trust us, you won’t want to miss it.
2019 in Review, 2020 in Focus
With 2019 in the rearview, Kevin Bliss, IMTC’s investment expert, took stock of the central themes and drivers that influenced investment sentiment during the year. Geopolitical risks loomed large in 2019 and remain key market movers during the first few weeks of the new year. Shifting focus to the year ahead, Bliss highlights five of 2019 ’s main takeaways and offers an outlook for 2020.
A fixed income portfolio manager for nearly 20 years, Bliss managed a variety of strategies across sectors and currencies Before joining IMTC, he managed portfolios at DWS Group – one of the world’s leading asset managers – with EUR 752bn of assets under management (as of 30 September 2019).
Read the full whitepaper on the 2020 State of the Industry here.