Optimize bond portfolios better than InvestorTools

Manage SMA and model portfolio strategies more effectively with IMTC. Whether you’re custom indexing, scaling assets and accounts, or offering new impact investing strategies, simplify your individual bond portfolio management.

Download our system comparison and see how IMTC enables you to:

  • Create optimal portfolios, don’t just allocate trades
  • Source live inventory to find best-fit bonds
  • Make investment decisions across hundreds of accounts at once
  • Embed compliance guidelines into pre-trade analysis
  • Manage all fixed income asset types

Comparing fixed income investment management systems

While InvestorTools was the first to identify that SMA managers needed different technology and they provide strong analytics and scenario analysis, its allocation tool often stops short of creating the optimal portfolio. IMTC uses powerful automation, optimization, and allocation tools to suggest the most optimal trade in the fixed income market given available inventories.


How do we differ? IMTC provides:

  • Enhanced allocation logic that accounts for unique portfolio nuances
  • Suggested bond purchases and sales that best fit each portfolio and that sources live inventory
  • Adheres to compliance rules and customized IPSs while managers make decisions pre-trade

Run optimizations across accounts simultaneously with IMTC's Optimizer

Proactively optimize risk and return profiles across portfolios with IMTC’s decision-support tools designed for faster and more accurate decision making.

Generate CUSIP-level buy and sell recommendations with compliance rules and investment targets embedded into the optimization process, reducing tracking error and improving active risk mitigation.

See how you benefit

IMTC’s investment management platform simplifies workflows to help generate alpha

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Enhance investment decisions

Gain visibility to make more informed investment decisions and better allocate trades across hundreds of portfolios.
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Manage portfolios proactively

Identify investment opportunities and reduce cash drag in customized portfolio strategies to unlock greater value for your clients.
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Mitigate risk

Ensure adherence to compliance guidelines and investment targets to minimize risks for your clients and your business.
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Invest efficiently

Save time in your investment process by consolidating insights and creating cross-team alignment to eliminate unproductive processes.